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MSG in the Defiance Crescent News
MSG in the Defiance Crescent News
Posted on December 21, 2015 by Sheri
MSG, under contract with the City of Defiance, facilitated the recent Maumee River Basin Partnership of Local Governments (MRBPLG) Mayor's Summit to reinvigorate the MRBPLG group. MRBPLG, formed a couple decades ago, has been inactive for the past year or so and there was a strong desire by local governments in the area to re-engage MRBPLG to advocate for solutions to watershed impairments and management issues. MSG worked closely with the City of Defiance for many months to plan the summit, invite guest speakers as well as guests, and lead the half-day meeting. Feedback from the day was very positive and the event made front page of the Defiance Crescent News. If you have relationships with local governments in the Maumee River Basin who could benefit from being part of the MRBPLG partnership, please contact us.