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Congratulations, Larry Smith on your Retirement!
Congratulations, Larry Smith on your Retirement!
Posted on January 03, 2022 by Lindsay
MSG’s Larry Smith, PE, CP, Senior Project Manager, retired at the end of December. Larry has built a career on helping client’s revitalize brownfields and has been a recognized expert and leader on that front within MSG and around the state. Larry was honored at a surprise retirement party at our Columbus office in mid-December. Senior VP / Principal, Sally Gladwell, had this to say: “Since Larry joined MSG in August 2018 he’s brought a fresh approach to how we operate and, indeed, how we think. He’s exemplified technical skill and creative spirit. He’s been a trusted advisor to clients and an advocate for employees. What’s more: he’s been a friend. We’ll miss you, Larry, and we’re counting on you to enjoy your retirement and to keep in touch!”