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Columbus Office Community Engagement 2020!
Columbus Office Community Engagement 2020!
Posted on October 07, 2020 by Lindsay
The Columbus office is proud to announce their commitment to the Reeb Avenue Center for their 2020 Community Engagement Initiative!
The office kicked off their Community Engagement Initiative with a COVID Friendly Lunch and Learn with guest speaker Ally Zahler, Executive Director at the Reeb Avenue Center. Ally informed the group about the Reeb Avenue Center’s history, goals and what they do for their South Side community. The Center provides a plethora of social services including operating a fresh food market, a café that runs on a “pay as you can” basis, serving a Tuesday night Community Dinner which is free to all, after school programs, daycare, and helping to find people affordable housing in the Columbus area. She then pumped the office up about different ways they can be involved.
The Columbus office plans to participate in the following events this year:
- Sanitize & School Supply Drive
- Book Giveaway / Attitude of Gratitude Letter
- Sock & Blanket Drive
For more information on the Reeb Avenue Center, visit their website: