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Columbus City Schools STEM Industry Council Career Readiness Day
Columbus City Schools STEM Industry Council Career Readiness Day
Posted on January 03, 2022 by Lindsay
MSG sponsored, provided lunch and attended the Columbus City Schools STEM Industry Council Career Readiness Interview Day event last week. The students went through a Career Readiness training program, prepared resumes, and this event allowed them to interview and receive feedback from HR professionals. Brooklyn Cosper, Tyler Ruble and Beth Thornton were interviewed by the students to learn more about the engineering profession. The students were very serious about this day, as you can see from the bullpen photo. This is where students waited to be called for their interview. Many of the HR professionals took the students' resumes and asked if they could call them for future employment. Beth serves as a Treasurer for the Council and coordinates with the Columbus Foundation and Columbus City Schools for paid summer internships for these high school students. We look forward to this event each year!