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Chris Beaulieu - MSG Gets Fit Motivator!
Chris Beaulieu - MSG Gets Fit Motivator!
Posted on June 30, 2021 by Lindsay
MSG Transportation Engineer and soon-to-be retiree Chris Beaulieu, PE, has been one of our most enthusiastic participants in the MSGetsFit program. Chris and his wife, Jean, are avid runners and have participated in 5Ks and marathons throughout Ohio and Michigan. They also enjoy cycling on area bike trails with a favorite being the Wabash Cannonball Trail, which Chris helped to design as MSG Project Manager and Project Engineer. MSGetsFit motivates staff members to engage in Wellness-related activities throughout the year by awarding points for each activity. (Chris has already earned his 100 Wellness points for 2021.) The MSGetsFit program provides tools and information to help employees achieve and maintain good health, while offering incentives through health insurance discounts or monetary awards for participation. Happy Trails Chris!