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10th Annual Construction Science Expo
10th Annual Construction Science Expo
Posted on April 23, 2021 by Lindsay
MSG is gearing up for the 10th Annual Construction Science Expo! This annual event is held for high school students in Detroit who have signed a drug-free pledge and spend the day being exposed to careers in the engineering and construction fields through a variety of speakers and hands-on events. This year the event is virtual. Sean Kelley, MSG Senior Vice President provided an interview speaking on the projects we have along the Detroit Riverfront including Mt. Elliott Park, Robert C. Valade Park and Detroit’s East Riverfront (the final segment of Riverwalk, which is currently under construction). “Being a part of Detroit’s Youth is something I am passionate about and being able to speak about engineering and construction on the projects that we are extremely proud of is one of the reasons I love what I do.” – Sean Kelley, PE, MBA. This year’s event is scheduled for May 18, 2021! #constructionscienceexpo #engineering #construction #detroit #detroitriverfront #detroityouth #mtelliottpark #detroitriverwalk #detroitriver